Cold Spring proudly presents the new studio album from MERZBOW. As a life-long campaigner of animal rights, Masami Akita has delivered a brutal assault on those that cage and murder animals. 'ANIMAL LIBERATION - UNTIL EVERY CAGE IS EMPTY' is 5 tracks (49 mins) of total noise assault that only the King of Japanese Noise can provide.
"There is a theory that Covid-19 broke out from the poor conditioned wet markets where live animals are sold. If there were no poultry farms, there would be no mass destruction of chickens due to the spread of bird flu. Human beings' cruelty to animals, animal abuse and species discrimination are all adding up to a disaster for mankind and the whole planet. The pandemic is an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between animals and humans. Veganism is the future for humanity" (Masami Akita, 2021).
The artwork is a reflection of the animal rights and anarcho-punk movements of the 80's. Proceeds from this release will benefit animal rights charities.
Presented in a matt-laminate digipak with free sticker, direct from Cold Spring only!
released May 20, 2022
All music by Masami Akita.
Recorded and mixed at Munemihouse in 2022 (tracks 1-4), and 2021 (track 5).
Mastered by Martin Bowes at The Cage Studios.
Graphic Design by Abby Helasdottir.
"...a release that manages to blend highly rewarding & densely seared noise craft, with compelling layer detail, and feel of both angered rage & felt emotion - making it one of the more consistent and wholly rewarding releases to appear from the king of noise in some years... It certainly is great to hear Merzbow back at the top of his noise craft with this album... a focused and entrancing release which perfectly mixes and balances rewarding noise craft with seared creativity and emotional impactfulness" (4/5, Musique Machine)
"The best way to process an album like Animal Liberation is to take note of how it strikes you. If it aggravates you, then this might be one of those unintended consequences in which an artist like Merzbow revels. If you find yourself getting emotionally worked up on behalf of caged animals, then the same thing applies but even moreso... His harrowing combination of caustic noise and its sobering subject matter is bound to attract the right kind of attention" (Spectrum Culture)
"El estilo musical noise resulta perfecto para recrear los ambientes terroríficos donde estos animales sufren todo tipo de torturas y de mortificaciones tanto físicas como psíquicas, a pesar de que muchas de estas especies son mentalmente avanzadas y con una sensibilidad no tan alejadas del ser humano como la ciudadanía cree. Desde hace décadas, el genial artista japones Masami Akita no ha dejado de sorprendernos y de fascinarnos con sus creaciones musicales debido precisamente a su trasfondo, basado siempre en la denuncia, en el desvelo de una realidad humana y social que paso a paso va encaminándonos hacia el colapso de esta civilización... Una expansiva y equilibrada explosión musical noise absolutamente equilibrada en sus niveles de registro sonoro... la música noise de vanguardia de Merzbow es capaz de abrirnos la mente a una realidad humana difícilmente justificable en este siglo XXI" (Lux Atenea)